Chapter 6
Being “too close to a design” often means your artwork is wrought with spelling errors and potential content inaccuracies. It’s always wise to give your PSD one last check before sending it on its way.
Get someone else’s eyes on your comp before it goes out to eyes who will undoubtedly find your grammatical mistakes. i

Account for all Assets
A website using watermarked stock photos is like leaving the tag on a shirt you just bought. i

Be Familiar with Browser Compatibility
Knowing browser limitations should come standard with the “Web Design 101” package. i

Consider All Screens
Tsk tsk if your comps have suffixes of “_iPhone.psd”, “_iPad.psd” and “_desktop.psd”. i

Be Consistent
Are you unintentionally using 3 slightly different blues? Is your red the same one as their logo? i